Project Jalhupur

Location: Jalhupur, India
When looking at the pictures above, it is clear of the learning environment of these children. These students are subject to having to sit on the cold, hard floor, lack the essential school supplies, do not have proper restrooms or any other furniture in the schoolyard. We have sponsored this school and the students and are trying to collect money in order to create a better learning environment. Our first project is to raise around $10,000 to provide furniture, restrooms, and school supplies for the children at the school. As you can see the students do not have desks to sit on and study making them have to sit on the hard floor which can cause many difficulties in their learning process, not only for their health, but for gaining knowledge. Our first goal is to raise money to get benches and desks for the schoolyard and classrooms. Moreover, the school does not have a restroom for the students. They have to go out into the fields to use the restroom which is unsanitary and can be unhealthy for the children. Another project of our would be to build restrooms for the students to create a safer environment. Certain requests also came from students for more school supplies and we are hoping to also accomplish this for them.